For the past several weeks since the last post, I've been working on the next new models but also going back and fixing/replacing a few that I decided I wasn't quite happy with. I've finally finished the first few of these, so these finalised minis and units are now ready to show. Some of the altering work was just adding the grass to the bases, some other altering work was replacing a small part with one that I really loved but couldn't find a use for anywhere but on a model I'd already 'finished', and some other altering work still was replacing an entire model in a unit. I'll briefly go through these individually.
Replacement Judicator:
In the very early stages of planning this project, I was thinking of including two units of Judicators, and even did quite a bit of converting for the second unit after finishing the first. But I recently changed my mind on this, since I felt two units would make the army too big and too repetitive, so that second unit was scrapped. However, there was one mini in that converting work that I particularly liked and didn't want to let go of. There was also, quite conveniently, one mini in the 'finished' Judicator unit that I wasn't particularly fond of, so swapping them around seemed like the obvious solution to my problem. So here he is, with some single images and some final unit images. I have tentatively dubbed the tool he's carrying a 'Mallufix", a mashing together of Mallus (after the remnant core of the Old World that now floats in the firmament above Azyr) and crucifix, which I imagine is a tool for blessing regained ground and eradicating the taint of Chaos.
Altered Judicator:
Also from this unit is a slight alteration to the shooting model. I had this beautiful Gladius from the amazing Stardrake kit sitting in by bits box waiting to be used, but none of the models I was working on (or was thinking about making later) could take it. However, I realised that it fit perfectly on this Judicator, so I simply popped the old Gladius off and replaced it.
It wasn't soon after I'd finished the Lord-Veritant, taken and edited all of the photos, and then put up the post about him that I realised I'd made a huge mistake in the modelling stage: the top of the staff was way too long on the original sculpt to begin with, making the lantern look huge and the whole staff top-heavy, but the new pose I'd converted made this whole problem several times worse. How could the Lord-Veritant hold up that very heavy looking lantern at that precarious angle, even if he is magically forged? It just looked wrong and threw off the balance of the mini's entire composition, so I realised I need to cut out the section of staff between the Lord-Veritant's hand and the attachment site of the lantern. You can see the result in the photos below of him on his own and, of course, with his faithful Gryph-Hound.
I'll also add at the end here that I've taken some new photographs of the Liberator unit to replace those horrid ones I uploaded originally. I've put a few onto the post already, and will hopefully upload some more in the not too distant future.
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