Stoic Redemption, Shredding Talons of the Raptor: Liberators

So, this post has clearly been a long time coming. A few things have happened to slow me down on this unit, my second for the project so far, including work and mounting uni assignments, but also, more importantly and far more closely related to the project, I have over these past few months been making further decisions for the project's future. I'm constantly reassessing what I've already done, constantly going back and looking over the models made so far and checking whether I'm on the right track for the precise effect I want to produce, in a process that can, admittedly, be rather annoying sometimes (yes, even to myself), although it's only because I want to make the best possible minis I can. In this round of over-perfectionism and self-doubt, however, I did come to the conclusion that some things weren't quite right and needed to be changed: I have made some alterations to the Lord-Veritant, and I am currently replacing one entire model in the Judicator unit as well as making a slight alteration to another one; and I have also realised that the basing was lacking something, that the bases needed to be made more interesting, 'full', and 'alive', to use possibly vague and abstract terms. I'll show the altered models in their own update post, but for now at least the refreshed basing can be seen on the Liberators: adding grass was my answer, since the bases already had the necessary texture, skulls, broken masonry, and dead tree branches but were just lacking that last little touch, although here, to get that darker, rougher, grittier, more expressionistic effect I'm looking for, I've put on lots of grass and used texture paint and washes actually on/in it to try to make it look matted, unkempt, and decaying.

The Liberator unit is a very important one in a Stormhost, since it's the rank-and-file, battleline unit, the basic troops, though of course they're not really that basic in an elite, magically-altered, super-human, and rapidly deteriorating army like the Stormcast Eternals.* The liberator unit does, however, also do something important for my project in particular, which is to do with their shields; way back in an earlier post, I said converting the Stormhost symbol was important to me, and in this unit their large shields display that conversion the most clearly. Yes, most of the minis have their shoulder pads, and other hero models later on will have more elaborate armour with the Lightning Hawks' twin-tailed comet symbolism, but these don't really stand out as much as the Liberator's shields do, especially in this photographic documentation. And, in the interests of making a dynamic, varied army, I won't be including many other models with shields but using other weapon options instead, so this unit will be one of the few with that converted symbol so clearly emblazoned on it.

Following are a few more photos of just the Liberator unit. I'll do some more group images when I've finished altering the older models and have completed the next hero which I've also started.



*I mean here of course the original Chambers, the Strike, Extremis, and Vanguard, which I'm specifically working with for this project, not the newer Sacrosanct Chamber which in many ways has replaced these original ones (and which, again, I don't particularly like). 
